在留手続き Immigration Procedures


Once a month, a staff member of the International Center will visit the Sapporo Regional Immigration Services Bureau Asahikawa Branch Office to submit your application. If you wish to apply, please contact the staff of the International Center as soon as possible.

 在留期間更新許可申請 Application for extension of period of stay

必要書類 necessary documents
1.申請書 Application excel
2.パスポート Passport
3.在留カード Residence card
4.成績証明書、在学証明書(教務課で発行依頼をしてください) Academic transcripts and Certification of enrollment
5.手数料納付書 Certificate for payment of fee PDF
6.手数料4,000円 Fee 4,000 yen
7.顔写真(1の申請書に貼ってください) Face photo (Stick it onto application)
8.その他書類(該当する学生に個別で連絡します) Other necessary materials (We will contact person who needs other necessary materials.)

 資格外活動許可申請 Application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted

必要書類 necessary documents
1.申請書 Application excel
2.パスポート Passport
3.在留カード Residence card
4.学生証(写し) A copy of student card
5.履修登録科目時間割表 Timetable PDF